EVA (Endurance Vendors’ Association) Meeting North 16 Sep 2022
Meeting of the
Endurance Vendors' Association (North)
To Members of Endurance Vendors' Association (North Zone)
Dear EVA (North) Member,
Due to Covid restrictions, we could not have face to face meetings and interaction amongst EVA members and also with ETL. This may have resulted in accumulation of some interface issues that Vendors may be facing.
Endurance, too, has faced a few challenges in the recent past related to Quality, Change Management, Supplies etc. and has introduced/ updated a few policies. These need to be communicated to all key suppliers so as to ensure there's no gap in communication, understanding and implementation.
To address the above points, discuss with Key Vendors and resolve their issues, if any, a face to face physical meeting has been arranged with Senior Team from Endurance Pant Nagar Plant and from Endurance Corporate/ Head office.
EVA National Executive President and other key officials have also been invited.
We request members to join themselves or nominate Senior most representatives (Owners, Directors, CEOs, Plant Heads)
If you have any specific issues or suggestions that you want us to add in the agenda, please do share with us immediately. Please confirm your participation and issues to the undersigned, Rajiv Chawla, Vice President, EVA North, to make proper arrangements. E-mail: rajiv@jairajgroup.com
WhatsApp: 9810154568
The Schedule of the meeting is as follows: Date: 16th September 2022, Friday Time:11.30 am to 1.30 pm Venue: Hotel Park Plaza, sector 21C, Faridabad Followed by lunch
Please assemble 15 minutes before to start meeting on time.
With warm regards,
Rajiv Chawla
Vice President (North)
Endurance Vendors' Association