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Summary of CAQM orders on Diesel Gensets & Restrictions admin August 1, 2023

Summary of CAQM orders on Diesel Gensets & Restrictions

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IamSMEofIndia Business Update

Summary of CAQM orders effective from 01.10.23
regarding use of Gensets and Restrictions during GRAP

Dear friends,

CAQM has released series of directions over the last two months. We share with you the brief summary along with copies of the complete Orders/ Directions. This summary is for members of IamSMEofIndia located in Delhi NCR to help them understand and prepare for the new norms effective 1st October’23. 

The latest Direction No. 75 from CAQM issued on 27th July’23 makes the intentions very clear that GRAP measures during this Winter shall be very strict depending upon the air quality which shall be monitored by CAQM.

The Advisory No.8 dated 28th June’23, reinforces the decision of CAQM not to allow diesel Gensets beyond 1st October’23 and advise even essential & emergency services which were exempted in previous years, to implement the Gas, Dual-fuel Gensets, RECD etc as per Direction No.73, dated 02.06.23

CAQM issued a clarification dated 25th July'23 to clear some doubts regarding the New Gensets usage.

Based upon all the above directions, we share with you a brief summary and highlights as under for simple understanding of all:
w.e.f. 01.10.23

1. No restrictions on 100% Gas Gensets- Can run freely throughout the year

2. No restrictions on Gensets upto 19 kW capacity except in the GRAP period as per time to time instructions depending upon the AQI

3. All existing Diesel Gensets above 19 kW to less than 800 kW MUST BE converted to Dual Fuel

4. Dual Fuel Gensets of 19 kW to less than 125 kW can run throughout the year except GRAP in which they run for upto 2 hours daily.
RECD NOT mandatory.

5.  RECD mandatory on Dual Fuel Gensets of 125 kW or above to less than 800 kW. These can then run throughout the year even during GRAP

6. Gensets above 800 kW should run on Dual Fuel or with any other emission control device/ system to ensure emissions meet the new norms. These can run throughout the year except GRAP during which these can run upto 2 hours daily

Conversion to dual fuel mode and/or retro fitment of ECDs in new power generating sets of capacities up to 800 kw manufactured after 1st July’23 and procured as per the standards vide MoEFCC notification No. Q- 15017/05/ 2012-CPW and GSR 804(E) dated 03/11/2022, is not warranted as per Direction No. 73 issued on 02'06 '2023.
Which means, New Diesel Gensets meeting the new emission norms allowed to run (Without Conversion to Dual-fuel and without RECD)

The above is the brief summary as on date. We’ll keep you posted on changes/ new directions as and when announced in future.

We at IamSMEofIndia are of the opinion that if CAQM and all regulatory authorities focus on functioning of Power Generation and Distribution utilities like DHBVNL/ UHBVNL/HVPN etc to ensure disruption-free power supply, that would yield not only excellent results as no establishment would need to run any Genset but also save billions of Rupees that establishments in Delhi NCR would otherwise invest only in creation of power backups, major portion of which shall be spent in imports.

We, and many Associations are meeting on Saturday 5th August’23 to further discuss and jointly appeal to CAQM for relief to the MSMEs.

While we continue with our efforts raising the issues of MSMEs, we sincerely advise all member establishments to take necessary and timely measures and comply with the directions of CAQM.
Only 2 months now left.

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Below are the Detailed Orders

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